Mesin diesel lebih besar dari mesin bensin dengan tenaga yang sama karena konstruksi berat diperlukan untuk bertahan dalam pembakaran tekanan tinggi untuk penyalaan. Dan juga dibuat dengan kualitas sama yang membuat penggemar mendapatkan peninkatan tenaga yang besar dengan menggunakan mesin turbocharger melalui modifikasi yang relatif mudah dan murah. Mesin bensin dengan ukuran sama tidak dapat mengeluarkan tenaga yang sebanding karena komponen di dalamnya tidak mampu menahan tekanan tinggi, dan menjadikan mesin diesel kandidat untuk modifikasi mesin dengan biaya murah.
Kekurangannya hanya terletak suara yang berisik juga pada bobot dan dimensi yang 2x lebih berat & besar dr mesin bensin, dikarenakan komponen mesin diesel yang di design kuat utk menahan kompresi tinggi, begitu juga akselerasi yang lemot namun bisa di perbaiki melalui penambahan Turbo ato Supercharger
Penambahan turbocharger atau supercharger ke mesin meningkatkan ekonomi bahan bakar dan tenaga. Rasio kompresi yang tinggi membuat mesin diesel lebih efisien dari mesin menggunakan bensin. Peningkatan ekonomi bahan bakar juga berarti mesin diesel memproduksi karbon dioksida yang lebih sedikit.
Teknologi “Common Rail” bak dewa bagi mesin diesel modern. Dengan common rail, mesin diesel masuk ke mobil-mobil kelas eksklusif atau mobil-mobil premium seperti Jaguar dan BMW Seri 7. City car juga tidak luput dari godaan mesin diesel dengan teknologi terbaru tersebut.
Sebagai contoh, Fiat sudah berhasil membuat mesin diesel 1.300 cc bertenaga 70 hp dengan konsumsi bahan bakar 3-4 liter/100 km atau rata 25 km/liter. Jadi mesin diesel bukan lagi hanya milik komunitas truk dan bus berukuran besar atau alat-alat berat dan kapal.
Di Indonesia juga sudah ada beberapa ATPM menjajakan kendaraannya dengan mesin diesel common rail. Mulai dari double cab sampai minivan menengah, seperti Kijang Innova. Sayangnya, konsumen kendaraan bermesin diesel common rail kesulitan mendapatkan bahan bakar sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan produsennya.
Pasalnya, Pertadex yang saat ini cuma dipasarkan oleh Pertamina, makin sulit diperoleh. Di samping itu, harganya paling mahal dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar minyak lain. Padahal di Jerman, bahan bakar diesel moderen di bawah harga bensin terbaik.
Karena itulah, konsumen rela merogoh kocek lebih banyak untuk mendapat kendaraan bermesin diesel. Sebab, setelah dua tahun, mereka akan kembali mendapatkan nilai ekonomisnya dibandingkan mobil bermesin bensin.
Sebelum mendalami common rail, kita bahas dulu tentang mesin yang digunakan secara umum sekarang ini berdasarkan bahan bakar minyak. Untuk ini, hanya ada dua jenis, yaitu bensin dan diesel atau kita menyebutnya solar.
Di kalangan orang teknik, mesin diesel dikenal dengan CI (compression ignition) atau mesin dengan penyalaan kompresi. Sedangkan mesin bensin disebut SI (spark ignition), mesin dengan penyalaan bunga api (busi).
Pada mesin diesel, pembakaran dipicu oleh udara yang dimampatkan atau dikompresi di dalam silinder. Akibat pemampatan itu, tekanan udara menjadi sangat tinggi. Begitu juga suhunya, mencapai titik bakar solar. Karena itu, begitu solar disemprotkan ke udara itu, langsung terbakar. Dengan cara ini, mesin diesel tidak memerlukan sistem penyalaan atau percikan bunga api.
Untuk mendapatkan tekanan tingi itu, perbandingan kompresi harus tinggi. Untuk mesin diesel, berkisar 16 – 25: 1. Sedangkan mesin bensin 6 - 12 : 1. Perbandingan kompresi menentukan efisiensi kerja mesin. Makin tinggi perbandingan kompresi, lebih efisien sebuah mesin. Meski begitu, perbandingan kompresi tidak bisa ditentukan begitu saja. Harus juga mempertimbangkan sifat dan kualitas bahan bakar yang akan digunakan
Perbedaan antara mesin diesel modern, common rail dengan konvensional adalah cara memasok bahan bakarnya. Terutama, komponen yang berada antara pompa injeksi dan injektor. Ada dua komponen utama di sini, yaitu pompa injeksi atau mekanik awam menyebutnya Bosch pump dan injektor.
Skema sistem bahan bakar Diesel Konvensional
Skema bahan bakar Diesel Common Rail
Cara kerja common rail layaknya seperti konsep hidup bersama. Dalam hal ini, semua injektor yang bertugas memasok solar langsung ke dalam mesin, menggunakan satu wadah atau rel yang sama dari Pompa Injector. Caranya sama dengan yang digunakan pada sistem injeksi bensin. Sedangkan mesin diesel konvensional, setiap injektor memiliki pasokan solar sendiri-sendiri langsung dari pompa injeksi. (perhatikan skema)
Tekanan bahan bakar dalam rel sangat tinggi. Sekarang, yaitu common rail generasi ke-3, tekananya sudah mencapai 1800 bar. Kalau dikonversi ke PSI yang masih digunakan sekarang menjadi 26.100 PSI. Bandingkan dengan tekanan ban 30 PSI. Atau tabung elpiji 25 bar dan CNG 200 bar. Dengan tekanan setinggi tersebut, pengabutan yang dihasilkan tentu saja semakin bagus. Pembakaran yang dihasil menjadi lebih dan kerja mesin makin efisien. That's Why mesin Diesel Common Rail Direct Injection macem Ford Ranger/Nissan Navara/Chevrolet Captiva VCDI lebih terlihat minim asap hitam ketimbang mesin Diesel Jadul
Sesuai dengan perkembangan mesin Diesel, Para ahli mngembangkan sistem yang paling mutakhir pada mesin Diesel yakni yang dikenal dengan CRDI (Common Rail Direct Injection) teknologi ini telah digunakan oleh Chevrolet Captiva Diesel CRDI/VCDI dengan kapasitas mesin 2000cc 16 katup segaris memuntahkan tenaga 150 Daya Kuda pada kitiran 4000 Rpm dengan torsi max 320 Nm pada kitiran 2000 Rpm Wow! fantastis! tenaga besar namun efisien.
Bandingkan dengan versi mesin bensinnya 2400cc segaris 16 katup yg memuntahkan tenaga 142 Daya Kuda pada kitiran 5,200rpm and a torsi maksimum 220Nm pada putaran 4,000rpm.
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008
1 Ignition system
The ignition system of an internal−combustion engine is an important part of the overall engine system. It provides
for the timely burning of the fuel mixture within the engine. Not all engine types need an ignition system − for
example, a diesel engine relies on compression−ignition, that is, the rise in temperature that accompanies the rise in
pressure within the cylinder is sufficient to ignite the fuel spontaneously. All conventional petrol (gasoline) engines,
by contrast, require an ignition system.
1.1 Contact ignition
The earliest petrol engines used a very crude ignition system. This often took the form of a copper or brass rod
which protruded into the cylinder, which was heated using an external source. The fuel would ignite when it came
into contact with the rod. Naturally this was very inefficient as the fuel would not be ignited in a controlled manner.
This type of arrangement was quickly superseded by spark ignition, a system which is generally used to this day,
albeit with sparks generated by more sophisticated circuitry.
1.2 Glow plug ignition
Glow plug ignition is used on some kinds of simple engines, such as those commonly used for model aircraft. A glow
plug is a coil of wire (made from e.g. nichrome) that will glow red hot when an electric current is passed through it.
This ignites the fuel on contact, once the temperature of the fuel is already raised due to compression. The coil is
electrically activated for engine starting, but once running, the coil will retain sufficient residual heat on each stroke
due to the heat generated on the previous stroke. Glow plugs are also used to aid starting of diesel engines.
1.3 Magneto system
The simplest form of spark ignition is that using a magneto. The engine spins a magnet inside a coil, and also
operates a contact breaker, interrupting the current and causing the voltage to be increased sufficiently to jump a
small gap. The spark plugs are connected directly from the magneto output. Magnetos are not used in modern cars,
but they are often found on mopeds, with 2−stroke engines and also in aircraft piston engines, where their simplicity
and self−contained nature confers a generally greater reliability as well as lighter weight. Aircraft engines usually
have multiple magnetos to provide redundancy in the event of a failure.
1.4 Mechanical ignition
Most four−stroke engines have used a mechanical ignition system. Here, the power source is a lead−acid battery,
kept charged by the car's electrical system, which generates electricity using a dynamo or alternator. The engine
operates contact breaker points, which interrupt the current flow to an induction coil − a form of autotransformer.
This steps up the voltage, which is fed via a rotating switch called a distributor to the spark plugs. This sytem is not
greatly different from a magneto system, except that more separate elements are involved. There are also
advantages to this arrangement, for example, the position of the contact breaker points relative to the engine angle
can be changed a small amount dynamically, allowing the ignition timing to be automatically advanced with
increasing revolutions per minute (RPM), giving better efficiency. This system was used almost universally until the
The ignition system of an internal−combustion engine is an important part of the overall engine system. It provides
for the timely burning of the fuel mixture within the engine. Not all engine types need an ignition system − for
example, a diesel engine relies on compression−ignition, that is, the rise in temperature that accompanies the rise in
pressure within the cylinder is sufficient to ignite the fuel spontaneously. All conventional petrol (gasoline) engines,
by contrast, require an ignition system.
1.1 Contact ignition
The earliest petrol engines used a very crude ignition system. This often took the form of a copper or brass rod
which protruded into the cylinder, which was heated using an external source. The fuel would ignite when it came
into contact with the rod. Naturally this was very inefficient as the fuel would not be ignited in a controlled manner.
This type of arrangement was quickly superseded by spark ignition, a system which is generally used to this day,
albeit with sparks generated by more sophisticated circuitry.
1.2 Glow plug ignition
Glow plug ignition is used on some kinds of simple engines, such as those commonly used for model aircraft. A glow
plug is a coil of wire (made from e.g. nichrome) that will glow red hot when an electric current is passed through it.
This ignites the fuel on contact, once the temperature of the fuel is already raised due to compression. The coil is
electrically activated for engine starting, but once running, the coil will retain sufficient residual heat on each stroke
due to the heat generated on the previous stroke. Glow plugs are also used to aid starting of diesel engines.
1.3 Magneto system
The simplest form of spark ignition is that using a magneto. The engine spins a magnet inside a coil, and also
operates a contact breaker, interrupting the current and causing the voltage to be increased sufficiently to jump a
small gap. The spark plugs are connected directly from the magneto output. Magnetos are not used in modern cars,
but they are often found on mopeds, with 2−stroke engines and also in aircraft piston engines, where their simplicity
and self−contained nature confers a generally greater reliability as well as lighter weight. Aircraft engines usually
have multiple magnetos to provide redundancy in the event of a failure.
1.4 Mechanical ignition
Most four−stroke engines have used a mechanical ignition system. Here, the power source is a lead−acid battery,
kept charged by the car's electrical system, which generates electricity using a dynamo or alternator. The engine
operates contact breaker points, which interrupt the current flow to an induction coil − a form of autotransformer.
This steps up the voltage, which is fed via a rotating switch called a distributor to the spark plugs. This sytem is not
greatly different from a magneto system, except that more separate elements are involved. There are also
advantages to this arrangement, for example, the position of the contact breaker points relative to the engine angle
can be changed a small amount dynamically, allowing the ignition timing to be automatically advanced with
increasing revolutions per minute (RPM), giving better efficiency. This system was used almost universally until the
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